Sunday, July 18, 2010

You must be Born Again

It's time to consider the idea of being born again. In John 3, (as always, if you are reading this, go read the passage to refresh your memory) Nicodemus approached Jesus with a couple questions. Jesus tells him he must be born again in order to see Heaven. This concept confuses Nicodemus because he does not hear the implication of spiritual birth in the comment.

The concept of spiritual birth is astonishing to me. Its as if to say, we are not even truly alive until we allow the Spirit of God to create in us a brand new existence. II Corinthians 5:17-21 says we are actually a new creation when we are in Christ. This is not symbolic or otherwise allegorical. Everything about us is new. One thing we are newly made to be when we are born again is Ambassadors for Christ, pleading - as though God was speaking through us - with the world, imploring them on Christs behalf to be reconciled to God (v. 20)

The call to salvation is a call to ministry. The two are inextricably bound. One cannot truly be said to be born again, that wondrous new creation, without struggling to save as many as possible, lost in the overly twisted world.

II Corinthians 6:4-10 tells how we must approach our role as ministers of God. Let nothing deter or discourage us, but always persevere seeking to do His work.

I'm keeping this one short, but hopefully you find it helpful. The more I explore the role of sharing the faith in the life of the Christian, the more I am convinced the two are inseperable. The Bible truly seems to demonstrate over and over that if a person truly wants to consider themself a follower of Christ, there is no way they can keep quiet about their faith. True Christianity requires crying out to those around us. Only by trying to offer the direction of salvation to our family, friends, neighbors and strangers can we possibly live the full Christian life as Jesus expected us to.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I Peter 3-12 talks about some wonderful and disturbing things. It is our faith in the grace of Christ that affords us wondrous salvation, but it is that salvation that brings trial and pain. We are going to suffer as a result of our committment to Christ. Peter rejoices in our faith. We, who have not seen Christ show greater faith than even the disciples by believing in Christ for our salvation. Our faith is literally more precious than gold. Even the prophets, who operated using the power of the Holy Spirit, longed for what we now so readily take for granted.

We have eternal salvation, not in the future, but right this moment we are already saved. Even further, we already possess access to the Holy Spirit and His power as granted in compensation and comfort for the loss of the personal presence of Jesus. Until He returns, we remain empowered and blessed with sure hope in the knowledge of our promised redemption.

As the 70 servants of Christ were empowered to go forth and accomplish the aims of our Lord (Luke 10), so are we similarly empowered by the Holy Spirit. This power is readily available to us, but why don't we see it? The answer is simple. We aren't using it. By that I mean we aren't pushing the boundaries of the possible in trying to serve God. We aren't serving. We are servants who refuse to serve. In what way can we expect to see the miraculous if we do not provide for God a forum in which to perform His astonishing acts?

God even manipulated the universe so that each of us who already "serve" Him would come to our own personal place of surrender. (Ephesians 1:11 - not really trying to set up a discussion about free will vs predestination, let's just say I believe scripture teaches both in roughly equal measure. You want to talk about it, let me know) Our submission to Him gives Him glory, not in our act of surrender, but seperately as His sovreignty is revealed in His will being brought to pass in fulfillment of His plans for us in our own salvation. After all, who but God could accomplish not only the act of redemption, but bring us to the point where we willingly submit to Him despite our sinful nature?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A few weeks ago, I was teaching a class, and had them all up in arms about my take on Luke 8, which I have already related here, which requires us to declare our message. They were firmly convinced that what mattered most, if not exclusively, was showing our love for others and Jesus. Luke 10 shows that at times love can, in and of itself, be a most effective means of reaching others. (in the parable of the good samaritan) Still, this does little to grow us. Our level of reproduction, if we wish to actually be good soil, must be much higher. Love is simple obedience, and a side effect of serving Jesus.

Meanwhile, the 70 were sent out to confront every kind of evil, and when rebuffed, moved on with declarations of judgment against those who rejected the message. (I suggest you go read Luke 10 to catch the whole idea. What they said they said at the command of Jesus.) It was not love that was rejected, but the act of sharing Jesus' message was enough to force some of His servants out of town. While demons of every kind might have been forced into submission by the name of Jesus, still the people of those towns rejected the message.

Luke 10 teaches an interesting lesson, about the power of the church. Jesus ordered His followers to go and heal the sick. These people had a direct conduit to God's power (even as we do today) and were able to speak in the confidence of those who knew God was going to support them. While they were serving the will of Jesus Christ himself, we are infused with the power of the Holy Spirit, and promised His power as His followers.

There are very few places today in the church today where God's power is being called upon to demonstrate His love. We CANNOT continue this way. We simply are not strong enough or charismatic enough to change the world without God's power. Throughout scripture, His servants have ALWAYS been free to call upon His power. Jesus told His servants to go forth and do miraculous things. I don't understand how we can expect to make progress bringing people to God without showing them His power. It is the way He chooses to show Himself, and yet we constantly seek to make it work without Him.

It is time we again come to embrace our role as His SERVANTS, and begin to serve Him as He would have us do. We need to let God be God, doing what He does best, while we are simply there to help and not get in the way.

What is it God wants us to be doing? Is it something impossible? When the opportunity presents itself, are you going to be ready to do it? Do you know how? Are you ready? Might want to be.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ephesians 2:8-10 talks about the reality of the gift of salvation, how it is just the grace of God extended to us which can only be accepted through our faith (belief that it is true, even in the face of evidence to the contrary). There is no consideration of our specialness, and especially not our worthiness in the offering, or even our acceptance, of this gift.

There is no reason for any Christian to have an attitude of superiority or judgment toward anyone. Nothing we have done, or will ever do, will be enough to merit or warrant our salvation. There is NO amount of good works that obtain us the honor of salvation.

This balances the books for all. No Christian can boast, because their salvation is all equal. All are unworthy, deserving only death, but all can be saved if they will just call on the name of Jesus in faith. There is no one whose crimes are too heinous to forgive, nor any who, without redemption in the gift of Jesus blood, can obtain Heaven on their merits alone. We are ALL sinners. Even salvation does nothing to change that. We are still sinners, striving to overcome our vile nature and emulate Jesus.

Our lack of worth is not something over which we should hang our heads. We have no choice but to be who we are. However, we cannot allow our base nature to be used as a justification for our failings. We will all fail on occasion. We must use those failings to drive us closer to Jesus, as we seek forgiveness and to strengthen our relationship with Him. We must also strive to do better, calling upon the Holy Spirit to shore up our meager defenses and to teach us how to become overcomers.

Look again at Galations 5:22. Self-Control. Tough concept, but a central one. It is something very few of us adequately demonstrate. We cling to our RIGHT to do things and defend ourselves, our possessions, and our rights. God is less concerned about our rights and a lot more concerned about our behavior.

We are placed in a special situation. We are called upon to interact with the world, but not be part of it. We don't need to compromise our beliefs and say something God says is sin is not. We need to be firm in our obedience to the Lord. However, it seems each time I try to share the message of Jesus with others, I find people who have been offended by believers who were callous in their view of the person to whom they are speaking. I am forever apologizing for Christians who, while right to say something was sinful, forgot the LOVE of God. When speaking to others, we must continue to focus on the fact that we are only trying to reach them because of the love of God He already displayed to us. Love needs to be the central part of our message, not judgment. Time to focus on loving the sinner, and seperating that from our distaste for their sin. Love is what people should remember after we've shared Jesus with them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Going Beyond the Sharing

So, clearly the onus is on the believers to get off their seats and get their mouths to talking about Jesus. But if we are looking to develop new Christians with any hope of long-term success, we need to have more on hand than the message of salvation. We are told to go and make disciples. This is much more than simply speaking the gospel at people. We need to get involved in their lives and see them changed.

The end of true evangelism doesn't begin until the baby Christian is delivered safely into a system of discipleship that will move them quickly toward maturity. What are the basics a person needs to know? It could be everything from how to pray or worship, to an entire reconsideration of their life. What actions that are part of their daily life are actually sin? Much of a new believer's life is going to be disrupted if they are going to be brought into genuine submission to the will of God.

This is also a time of great danger. Looking back at Luke 8, we see either the thorns or rocks or the birds are all eager to see the believer's journey end here. Satan will put every conceivable obstacle in the path of this vulnerable baby. Without someone to guide them into the world of their new faith, the new believer is in danger of losing what they have so recently accepted. Before the roots of faith can even take hold, Satan will throw every enticement and torment he can conceive in their path with the hope he can dislodge their grip on the one thing that can put the new Christian firmly in God's hands, and far beyond his reach.

Left to their own devices, baby Christians will no more be ready to resist the wiles of the devil than an infant thrown into a swimming pool could be expected to swim. We must begin to look beyond the momentary obedience of sharing the gospel and instead listen to what Jesus actually said. Go and MAKE DISCIPLES. How can we possibly imagine our responsibility ends once someone has given their life to Jesus? It doesn't. It's just beginning. Jesus spent three years with His disciples getting them ready. Can we really expect to have new Christians ready to fend for themselves in less time?

Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees for spending his time among sinners. From there we can draw our example. True evangelism requires actually getting involved in the lives of the people we want to see saved. It is more than just preaching a message a people and hoping it sticks. We are to be examples to people. How are we to be an example to anyone if we don't involve ourselves with them? It is time for Christians to look beyond the concept of word evangelism. While we are to speak the truth of the gospel message, we must live it. The unbelievers around us must not only see who we are and hear it from our lips, but must know us as we are already among them, showing His love.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What kind of tree you gonna be?

Mark 11:12-26 deals with an important lesson of the power of God when applied in faith. But is that all we find here? Certainly the lesson of what Jesus accomplishes is essential, but what of the tree itself? Is there a lesson to learn in the fate of the unfruitful tree. Luke 8:18 seems to indicate so. Revelation 3:16 says something similar. (please feel free to read any and all of these as we go along) If we are neither hot or cold for God, He will reject us. He wants nothing to do with those whose faith and resulting actions are luke warm.

When we embrace the lifestyle of the thorny ground, we run the risk of allowing our tepid response to God end up costing us. What exactly it will cost us is perhaps in question, but it would not be unreasonable to consider any possible punishment.

It seems clear when Jesus curses the unfruitful tree, He is making a point. He answers the disciples question about HOW the withering of the tree is possible, but I wonder if maybe they weren't asking the wrong question. Isn't the important thing here WHY Jesus did what He did?

Jesus is not prone to meaningless fits of temper. When He takes an action, even when angry, He does it with a specific purpose. Anger, when held in God's control is not wrong or misdirected. This is a display with meaning. This tree Jesus cursed failed to fulfill it's purpose. It was therefore useless and not worth keeping. When Jesus cursed it, He was rendering judgment against it. If we, as Christians, are also not fruitful, do we not run the risk of being judged, and fairly so, as useless by God? I don't know what form that judgment might take, but I am not eager to find out. If the spiritual ennui of the church can indeed be likened to the failed fig tree, how can we expect to continue to scoff God's commandments and NOT be judged eventually?

This is not generally the direction in which I want to focus my attention, but it is an unavoidable avenue of consideration when looking at the parable of the sower and connecting it to Jesus' actions with the unfruitful tree, especially in light of Revelation 3:16. Don't we need to consider the two-edged sword of being God's servant? Jonah knew how much obedience God expected from His people. While we are told to obey God out of our love for Him, we must also consider the alternative. God expects us to be diligently working on His behalf, and it is reasonable to assume He is willing to force our hand if we choose not to comply willingly.

It is the same concept we are forced to embrace when sharing the message of Jesus with unbelievers. While we wish to convey the depth of Jesus' love and compassion for us, it is the threat of Hell from which He saves us. There is a real, true, final judgment that comes, and it is for that reason we are urgently called to make disciples of all. There is only one answer to an eternity without God. Jesus saves.

This brings us back to our consideration of our obedient service to God. If we, who are blessed to know Him and enjoy the riches of His grace are not willing to share that bounty with the desperate and dying around us, we are craven cowards who have allowed the thorny soil of our hearts to choke off the true message of Jesus to the point where we cannot really call ourselves His servants.

Concerns for our own comfort, pleasure and interests have forced Jesus out of the throne of our hearts, and we have laid claim to the place that was rightfully given over to Him when we offered Him rulership of our lives in exchange for blessed salvation. Is there any way we can be surrendered to Jesus, without being willing to take up His calling and carry forth His message to a lost and broken world?

Jesus' parting shot; His final words while on Earth was to GO forth and spread the message of the Gospel. (see Mark 16:15-18) Clearly it was a priority. The only thing that makes the sacrifice Jesus made at Calvary work, is if the believers, His servants, GO and proclaim the truth. The grace of Jesus cannot be extended to a person who is not given an opportunity to know Him.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Roman's Road - A Path to Light?

Let's talk about the concept of light, which we came across at the end of Luke 8. John 3:19 picks up on this idea. Jesus (the light) came into the world. Evil men chose darkness over the light because the light showed their evil deeds for all to see. Those of us who do good (true) deeds seek out the light so our deeds can be demonstrated to be of God.

Perhaps this is an answer to why people who do not follow after Jesus experience such a reluctance to come before God. Opening ourselves up to Jesus forces us to confront our own inadequacy and evil. No one likes to be told they are unworthy, but it is true, no matter what angle you look at the problem from.

Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Now follow the inevitible line of Bible logic

Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
So we are lost, without hope except through Jesus. Good news for us actually.

Romans 5:8 - "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Romans 10:13 - "For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

These four verses together comprise the old "Roman's Road" approach to evangelism. They clearly lay out a direct path from the weight of our sin, it's direct consequence (death) and show why and how one can find salvation. Still, these verses seem more relevant than ever in light (no pun intended) of John 3. If sinners are ashamed to have their deeds seen in the light, the only answer is to understand that all are filled with sinful deeds, and it is for these exact sinners Jesus died. There are NONE worthy, and EVERYONE needs forgiveness and redemption.

I love Romans. It's a deep look into the mind of Paul. His attention was always on what was beyond this world. It is a unique and powerful view. He was so little concerned with the things of this world that he could even be said to have held them in disdain. This freed him from the fear and concern of the persecution and discomfort he suffered as a result of his service to Jesus. In fact, he carried his affliction (both imposed and personal) as badges of honor earned in service.

This is the key to overcoming the thorns. This is how we need to be. Unafraid of what happens when we speak out on behalf of our Lord. Though we may be ridiculed, mocked or even attacked for our beliefs or words, we are only experiencing a small part of what Jesus suffered, and should have joy that our faithful service is true and following in His perfect footsteps. (See Phil 1:27-30)

The "Roman's Road" is a traditional and perfectly valid way of sharing our faith. Feel free to use it if you like. The most important thing to remember here is that what we are truly there to offer is the third step. God demonstrates His love for us by offering us Christ to die for our sins. We are loved beyond all hope of comprehension. We share because we share in that love and would see none lost. I encourage you see the world through the eyes of Paul. He lived fearlessly and acted aggressively. Call on the Holy Spirit to give you boldness to act. Our time is not without end. Be a light in the world while we have the time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Thorny Question

Ok, now we come to the single most motivating section of scripture for me. Luke Chapter 8. (Go read it right now if you don't know it) This section of scripture is the motivation for the address of my page here. Overcoming the thorns. It's perhaps the single most important concept in the life of a Christian who wants to truly and obediently serve Jesus.

In this chapter Jesus tells the parable of the sower and the seeds. I'm sure you're familiar with it. The seeds fall on the path and are eaten by the birds and so on and so forth. We find our way to the section where the seeds fall upon the thorny ground. According to verse 14, "Now the ones that fell among the thorns are those who, when they heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity." Sound like anyone you know?

I believe most people miss the primary message in the parable of the sower and the seeds. The seeds that fall on the good soil reproduce 100 fold. Most Christians these days are lucky if they ever reproduce the spiritual state that exists in them even ONE time. We live our lives without concern for the impact of our inaction on thse around us. We deny them an opportunity to know Christ if we fail to disseminate our seed to them. In this sense, most Christians actually display the characteristics of the thorny ground from the parable.

This is what I see when I consider most Christians I know, myself included. That must mean we have allowed ourselves to be thorny ground for God's message, while we still consider ourselves to the the good soil. We have perverted the message of the Lord to put the onus on the unbeliever, judging them for not being the good soil they "should" be if they wish to be saved. They are currently barren earth, taking no seed and bearing no fruit. Yet WE have taken in the seed of God's message, and what fruit to we have to show for it? Are we actually good soil? Or are we allowing the thorns of life (both pleasures and pains) to deter us from sharing our message out to others and proving we are not capable of bringing fruit to maturity and reproducing as we should?

Hearts that are prepared to receive the message of God will become overwhelmingly fruitful (100 fold v8). There is a measure of patience required to see such fruit, but the message burns in the heart of the prepared like a lamp, glowing for all to see. We are called to place such a lamp upon a pedestal where it will shine and bring illumination to all around it. Luke implies that hiding such light could result in it's loss, and maybe even more besides according to v18.

Most Christians today live life in a fog of concerns and pleasures having everything to do with the world around us, and little to do with how God would rather have us spending our time. Luke 8 is a warning of how, in time, this practice can eventually bring us harm. The power of the Holy Spirit was given to the people of God to ensure the success and boldness of the efforts we put forth on His behalf. When was the last time you called upon His help? When was the last time you took the time to share about Him with anyone? When was the last time you even gave it a second thought? Ask yourself...are you really good soil? Or are you struggling to overcome the thorns yourself?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Living Water

In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well, a well Jacob himself had drawn from. He asks her for a drink, an astonishing request since Samaritans were not people with whom Jews associated.

He ends up telling her if she had only known to ask for it, He could have given her living water that would make her free from thirst forever. This says something important to me. People thirst to know God. There is an innate need to interact with out creator. Some have buried that need so deep within, under so much sin, we cannot perceive the need for God to free us. Yet we thirst.

Jesus proves his identity prophetically by telling the woman all about her life. She believes Him and runs to tell the rest of the city about her discovery. Just as water flows downhill, the message of Jesus arrival flowed directly to the others of her city and quickly came to see Jesus and what He was about. From that meeting, He was invited to stay, which He did for two more days. Many were saved.

What makes water such a spiritually telling substance? The need for baptism is more than a suggestion. Water is cleansing, essential to our bodies for our ongoing survival, and Jesus offered it as spiritual sustenance.

If the need to know and worship God can be called a thirst, then America, and indeed the world is suffering in the midst of a drought of epic proportions. The only cure is a rain God must provide.

In John 4:48 Jesus rebukes a nobleman. "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe." How can it be any different with people today? The ability of Jesus to distribute His living water is dependant on the preparation of the heart to believe. People want proof of God's existence and intention. We need to see His POWER. We'll touch in this next time when I talk about Luke 8.

Isaiah continues the concept of living water, talking about wells of salvation(12:3). Water is the prescence and power of the Holy Spirit, given to revive and replenish us when we allow Him into our life to do His holy work.

Famously, Joel 2:28 & 29 tells us how it will be when God "Pours out My Spirit on all flesh." It is a time of power and divine vision and intervention. We shall all hear from God in a special and unique way. Surely, salvations must follow. This time is now.

Starting in Acts 2, the Spirit was made available to the people of God. When God pours out water (blessing of the presence of the Holy Spirit) things start to happen. Pentecost was only the natural result of His presence. He waits to be called upon to empower His church in the same way today. Jesus told us the secret. We have merely to ask, and willingly receive.

We have come to the point in America where we are thirsty beyond all hope of quenching. We need a total immersion in Living Water. Only the powerful move of the Holy Spirit can bring us back. We cannot save this nation either economically or politically. Only a new infusion of Holy Spirit power can possibly revive us. Holy Spirit come!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Recently in our church's library, I noticed a book I read in college called "Lifestyle Evangelism". The book is long, and I don't truly remember all the details of it, but the concept was simple enough. Love God and, in the way you live your life, show who God is and how He's changed you.

Galatians 5:22 is well known to me. It lists the attributes that will punctuate my life, assuming I dedicate myself to Christ and try hard to follow after Him. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control. (Wow, as I read the list, I can only pray - Holy Spirit, give me strength to be more like you and show these attributes)

I don't think anything coule be more basic. I need to show these things far more readily, specifically Peace, Patience and Self-Control. I'm sure you have your own list. It's a tough thing to do, but it's exactly the kind of thing we need to ask the Lord to help us with, in order to display these characteristics more readily. We need them to show who God is to us and how He's made our lives better.

Let's talk about the Day of Pentecost. The Disciples finally receive the Holy Spirit and explode. Acts 2 tells the story. In it, Peter delivers a clear testimony on the identity of Christ using the words of David from Psalms (16 & 68) to clearly identify the one who rose from the grave as the Christ (the long awaited Messiah).

The message was NOT new. The words were not what made his preaching so effective that day. The POWER of the Holy Spirit speaking through him resulted in 3000 new believers on that historic day. It is the same thing as what happened with Jonah. The power which infuses the message is so much greater than the message itself. Our small words fail to encompass the grandeur of Jesus' sacrifice and the miracle of His resurrection.

How can a mind understand the forgiveness of sins without the Holy Spirit to first demonstrate the need for it. He must first convict the sinner before they can repent. (Acts2:37)

It's time for us to begin seeking that kind of power. Second best is no longer good enough. Only the POWER of God can fulfill the needs of this battered and broken nation. With one, altogether we need to cry out with a loud voice "Holy Spirit come!" This is something we cannot do alone and all our efforts, while well intended are going to fall short if we call upon God to do what He does best...the miraculous.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Love is our Purpose

Ok, so my message is univerasally well known. Jesus' sacrifice is actually a simple thing to convey, if infinitely complicated to understand. The question becomes can I convey that message in a way people can understand? I think so. I'm familiar enough with the material and possess an intimate knowledge of both the language and details of the details of of how salvation works.

Discussions of sin become essential. How do you discuss such a thing without sounding condemning and arrogant? I believe the answer lies in passion and enthusiasm for the answer. Why would I bother sharing Jesus with someone unless I

1)beilieve they are going to Hell without Him
2)I care whether they go to Hell or not and
3)I KNOW there is no other path for them to be saved

Matthew 6:13 & 14 tells us that finding our way to Hell is easy, while few can find the way to the gate that leads to Heaven. Do I care? Do I care enough to do anything about it? Could I walk away from a drowning man? I don't think so. Why then am I not constantly preaching the message of salvation to be found in Jesus?

If I want to truly serve Jesus and obey Him, giving myself in love for others is absolutely essential. If only a few are able find the small gate that leads to Heaven, how can I deny my responsibility to show them the way? I simply cannot and continue to call myself a Christian. Sharing my faith is not an option. I believe sharing the truth of Jesus is a symptom of true faith.

If I love Jesus, and serve the Lord My God (the greatest commandment) and, as a result, love my neighbor as called to in Matthew 22:37-40, how can I not truly desire for them to know Jesus?

John 14:6 "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

Anyone who has not embraced Him has NO hope of avoiding Hell. The only possible passage to God is through Jesus. My love, as obedience to Jesus requires me to share with ANYONE who is doomed without Him.

Very often I find myself frustrated by those around me. I find it's not easy for me to like other people. They are so unlike me. I value my God and try to live my life by His values. There is little of that in the people around me. Yet, the greatest value my God has is love. He loves these people. I love Him, and as a result am called upon to love them. It is my greatest challenge at times, yet I feel deep within me the burning need to save them from an eternity without my God. An eternity of pain and death. I pray I find the way.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is my Message?

So, here it is. My first post. I really have no idea what I'm hoping to accomplish here, but I do know I want to do something that it's possible someone might read and could in some way mean something to them.

The first, and most important thing is for me to state exactly who I am. I am a Christian. Everything else is irrelevant. I am here to try to figure out the best way for me to share that faith with other people in a meaningful way. I know we've all heard these kind of things before, and I don't propose I'm breaking any new ground here. What I am trying to figure out is how to do what God wants me to be doing. As we proceed, it will become quite clear I feel a heavy burden about that.

So, the first question is what is my message? I know I need to be talking about Jesus...but what about Him? He died for our sins, came back from the dead. Is that all there is to say? Why would He do that? I know all about His love. I've felt it, but how can I possibly relate that?

In Jonah, God tells Jonah to go to Nineveh...for their "wickedness has come up before me." (Jonah 1:2) Jonah's message was one of judgment. Nineveh was to be destroyed. They were spared, however, when they believed Jonah's message and turned from their wicked ways. (Jonah 3:10) Clearly, God's mercy was in place long before Jesus was even born.

So then do I bring a message of condemnation? Is judgment the message I bear? Perhaps in part. I cannot afford to shy away from the truth of the eternal fate that awaits anyone who is not willing to accept the grace of Jesus Christ. I bear ill will for none, and even further wish with all my heart to prevent anyone from suffering a judgment that is so easily forestalled.

Upon reading Jonah again, (something you should do right now, it's interesting, and short at only 4 chapters with a total of 48 verses) I'm left with a single burning question. Why did the Ninevites so quickly believe Jonah? What about his message was so compelling that it could NOT be ignored? Crazy people roam the city streets declaring the end all the time, but no one listens. What makes Jonah so different? What in his ONE LINE MESSAGE ("Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown") makes everyone from the King down repent for their sins and seek forgiveness?

Why do they believe him?

The only answer I can possibly come to is that he was specifically sent by God. that was something of a rarity at a time when the true message of God was being carried by the priests of Israel for Israelites. Jonah's foray into the Gentile world, while not completely unique, was uncommon.

The question then, is am I sent by God?

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus, as He has the authority to do, sends His follower out, commanding them to make disciples of all nations. Sounds like, if I am going to call myself a follower of Jesus, I am sent. This is a mandate. Essentially this the task to which I, or any Christian, am truly called to dedicate myself.

Ok, so I have the calling. I was specifically sent. Wonderful, what does that do for me? I guess I now need the Holy Spirit to do for me what I cannot do for myself. I am not charismatic enough to make people believe what I tell them.

Acts 11:20 & 21 has the answer for me. My responsibility is to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and to be in prayer. Verse 21 should follow. "And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned to the Lord."

This is why Jonah succeeded, even though he didn't want to. Jonah was not speaking out of compassion, but because he was more afraid of God than he was willing to disobey God. Yet God was with him and his message had weight. His words could not be ignored because he was, in those moments, speaking God's words. So how do I get God to make my message heard?

I need to be called by Him, which according to Matthew, I am. Though I must confess, I would like a little more specific leading in this area of my life. (Who to speak to and when for greatest effect)
My message, also from Matthew, is actually a mission to make all people disciples of Jesus Christ. Salvation is just the beginning. The new Christians will need ongoing, growing relationship with Him.

While judgment is a potential element of my message, the mercy of Christ so far supercedes it as to make it relatively unimportant in light of the hope for a future with Him.

So, what do I need?

1) A message (covered already - and easily handled)
2) A calling (covered already - and already handled)
3) The boldness to speak (we'll talk about this one next)
4) Power from the Holy Spirit (we'll get back to this)
5) An audience to listen (we'll get back to this too)

The message and calling are already handled. Boldness. Now there's a tough one, but manageable. I've gotten to the point in my life where it is becoming more difficult not to speak that to speak. I am often prodded to speak up, and care little for the inevitible mockery or whatever may come. I just don't care anymore. Or perhaps to put it better, I care to much about what will happen to people after this life is through to just sit quietly and let them march unaware into oblivion. Boldnes - handled.

Now POWER. That's a different matter. If the success or failure of any endeavor of evangelism (sharing my faith) is built upon the power of God and His making my words to be believed, then I must ALWAYS be in communion with Him so I can be ready at a moment's notice. This brings up the question of miracles. I say I believe in them, but where are they? Thoughout scripture, the messages of God are punctuated with God showing up and authenticating his messages with His prescence and His power.

Am I truly to believe that any form of evangelism will be truly fruitful if we cannot share the power of God with those we are trying to reach? How much more effective will we be when we heal the sick and restore sight to the blind? God is unchanging (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus still offers all forms of deliverance, does He not? I cannot be so arrogant as to assume I'm smart enough to figure out a new way to spread His message without calling on His power.

I'll end my first rant here. I am really kind of rambling right now, but I am definitely going somewhere with this. If you read this and it says anything at all to you, I hope you will continue to join me as I forge onward in this journey. I hope to hear from you. Feel free to chime in.